I have been blessed too:). After careful planning and patience, I was able to quit my job in the aerospace industry and continue my schooling full time versus part time. Now I am on the right track to pursue my MSME in Bioengineering in a reasonable amount of time. I don't recall ever being this happy since our wedding day and the day I graduated college.
Roberto and I are so severely blessed. We both turned in our resignations on the same day and our last day of work in the aerospace industry was May 27, 2010. We never realized how unhappy we were at work until we were happy! I don't know if that makes sense but to a recently unhappy person (in both our cases) it makes perfect sense!
Now for picture updates...
Roberto surprised me for my birthday by packing up the crew (Nanook, Aluche and Smokey) and driving across Texas to enjoy some of the finest pizza at Peter Piper Pizza for my 26th birthday! I can't believe I am 26 now!
My mom, Roberto, the pups and I spent sometime at the cabin. We all took Aluche and Nanook on their first hike. They loved it so much. It was so fresh in the mountains. I don't think the temperature ever exceeded 85F in the day. I have never seen our pups explore the way they did.
This screen door was very confusing to the pups. They ran into it a few times. There were times when they were wrestling inside and one would want to seek a safe haven outside. As one of the pups made a run for the outdoor safe haven he slammed into the screen door. Come to think of things, Nanook almost took the screen door off its sliding track at one instant. It was hilarious!
We also did a lot of swimming at our house in El Paso. The pups found a new toy...a basketball. They would bark bloody murder when playing with the basketball! They were unable to bite the ball so they would get very angry. They couldn't put the ball in their mouths so they would bark louder and louder. It was hilarious watching them play with the basketball. It was almost like watching a soccer game but with two puppies and a basketball. Pops seemed to be the referee:).
Another joy in El Paso is hanging out with my in-laws! They are the best. My Suegro is truly a character (I think Roberto gets that from him). My mother-in-law knows how to cook like nobodies business! We had a small get together with my parents and the in-laws and the result was a feast! I don't know how my mother-in-law does it but she is absolutely awesome!
yay! i'm so glad to see you updated your blog! I enjoyed reading your post & especially loved the part about the adventures of the pups vs. the screen door. That was great! I'm SO glad you're happy! You're too sweet to be unhappy :-) Have a wonderful day! I hope we can get together for lunch soon!